Evaluation: What Parents Should Know to Get Started

Is your child facing challenges in school? Join our informative webinar to navigate the crucial first steps toward securing the support your child needs. Delve into the significance of evaluations, discovering when and how to initiate the process. Understand your vital role as a parent/guardian throughout the evaluation journey.


Regreso a clases: chat virtual para padres

Family Resource Center on Disabilitiesestá organizando una discusión informal sobre:

-Preocupaciones escolares

-Experiencias estudiantiles

-Recursos de defensa de los padres

Back To School Parent Virtual Chat

REGISTER Join the Family Resource Center on Disabilities for an informal Back-to-School Chat to discuss school concerns, student experiences, and parent advocacy resources. This Back To School Parent Virtual Chat […]

Disciplina e IDEA: Derechos de educación especia

Descubre una comprensión integral de los derechos de los estudiantes bajo la Ley de Educación para Individuos con Discapacidades (IDEA) en relación con la disciplina en este revelador seminario web. Profundiza en la relación matizada entre la disciplina y la IDEA, obteniendo valiosos conocimientos sobre las protecciones que se otorgan a los estudiantes con discapacidades. Explora las disposiciones y directrices específicas que conforman las acciones disciplinarias dentro del marco de la IDEA. Esta sesión tiene como objetivo desmitificar las complejidades, asegurando que los padres, educadores y defensores estén bien informados sobre las salvaguardas existentes. Empodérate con el conocimiento para navegar en la intersección de la disciplina y la IDEA, fomentando un entorno educativo de apoyo e inclusión para los estudiantes con discapacidades.

Creating Pathways: Empowering Students with Disabilities for Success in Higher Education – An Informational Webinar by A Place For Us

Join us for an empowering webinar hosted by A Place For Us, an organization dedicated to helping students with disabilities succeed in higher education. Did you know only 11% of people with disabilities enroll in college, and just 5% graduate? We’re here to change that! A Place For Us connects students with disabilities nationwide, offering mentorship, guidance, and a supportive community. Founded by college students with disabilities, we know firsthand the challenges and triumphs of navigating higher education. Learn about your rights, build advocacy skills, and find the support you need to thrive. This is your place. Register today!