Guardianship Resources

Guardianship, also, referred to as conservatorship, is a legal process utilized when a person can no longer make or communicate safe or sound decisions about his/her person and/or property or has become susceptible to fraud or undue influence. Because establishing a guardianship may remove considerable rights from an individual, it should only be considered after alternatives to guardianship have proven ineffective or are unavailable.

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Illinois Guardianship Advocacy Commission
Created in 1979, the Illinois Guardianship and Advocacy Commission protects the rights and promotes the welfare of persons with disabilities. A board of eleven Commissioners, who serve without compensation, govern the agency. The Commission is an executive state agency created to safeguard the rights of persons with disabilities. By providing legal representation, investigating complaints of rights violations and providing state guardianship for Illinois’ population with disabilities, the Commission has given voice to those who have previously gone unheard.
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National Guardianship Association
The Office of State Guardian (OSG) is a guardianship agency that serves nearly 5,300 adult disabled wards. With cases in virtually every Illinois county, the Office of State Guardian handles the personal, financial, and legal affairs of developmentally disabled, mentally ill and elderly persons with disabilities.

Guardianship – Disabled Child Turns 18
Robert H. Farley, Jr. attorney at law for guardianship, durable powers of attorney, and “living wills” allow a person to make legal decisions for someone who is unable to do so.