Six Principles of IDEA: Special Education Rights Webinar

Six Principles of IDEA: Special Education Rights Webinar is designed to empower you with knowledge about the vital aspects of special education rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As parents, we understand that navigating the world of special education can be both challenging and rewarding. The Six Principles of IDEA are the […]

Navigating the IEP Process: Special Education Rights Webinar

Do you have questions about your child’s IEP, but don’t know how or when to ask them? Are you concerned about how your child’s IEP is being followed? Do you want to learn how to effectively prepare for your child’s IEP Meeting? This webinar provides an overview of the Individualized Education Program (IEP) and discusses […]

Navigating the Transition Plan: Special Education Rights Webinar

Embarking on the journey of transitioning your child to adulthood within the Illinois special education system? Navigate this process confidently with our webinar, concentrating on the academic aspect of the transition. Gain insights into defining comprehensive transition plans, unraveling the components involved, and understanding the significance of transition services. Delve into practical tips designed for […]

Special Education Rights Webinar: Discipline and IDEA

Unlock a comprehensive understanding of students’ rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) concerning discipline in this enlightening webinar. Delve into the nuanced relationship between discipline and IDEA, gaining valuable insights into the protections afforded to students with disabilities. Explore the specific provisions and guidelines that shape disciplinary actions within the framework of […]

Special Education Rights Webinar: The Behavior Intervention Plan

Struggling with frequent school calls about your child’s behavior? Find solutions in our training session focusing on Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIP). Unpack the components of a BIP, understanding its pivotal role in behavior management. Explore the purpose behind these plans and learn actionable steps to secure one for your child if deemed necessary. Empower yourself […]

Procedural Safeguards: Protections Under IDEA

If your child is receiving special education, then Notice of Procedural Safeguards For Parents/Guardians of Students of With Disabilities is one of the most important documents you will receive this year because it spells out your rights and responsibilities in the special education system. This training focuses on the components of the Notice of Procedural […]

Skills For Effective Parent Advocacy: Special Education Rights Webinar

Escape the confusion of educational acronyms and transform frustration into empowerment with “Skills for Effective Parent Advocacy.” Tired of the run-around? Discover the vital tools to navigate your child’s educational journey. Uncover the true role of an advocate and the power behind becoming one. This session equips you with practical strategies to transition from uncertainty […]

Six Principles of IDEA: Special Education Rights Webinar

Six Principles of IDEA: Special Education Rights Webinar is designed to empower you with knowledge about the vital aspects of special education rights under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As parents, we understand that navigating the world of special education can be both challenging and rewarding.


Navegando En El Proceso De IEP

¿Tiene preguntas sobre el IEP de su hijo, pero no sabe cómo ni cuándo hacerlas? ¿Le preocupa cómo se sigue el IEP de su hijo? ¿Quiere aprender cómo prepararse eficazmente para la reunión del IEP de su hijo? Este seminario web proporciona una descripción general del Programa de Educación Individualizada (IEP) y analiza el papel de los padres como miembro del equipo del IEP.


Evaluaciones Y Elegibilidad Bajo IDEA

Los participantes aprenderán:
•lo que significa "fecha de remisión"
• los plazos para que la escuela tome una
decisión sobre la realización de una evaluación
• comprenderá qué áreas o "dominios" se evalúan en una
•con qué frecuencia el distrito debe realizar
una reevaluación
• obtendrá información sobre las evaluaciones educativas


Navegando el Plan de Transición: Derechos de Educación Especial

¿Está su hijo en transición a la edad adulta dentro del sistema de educación especial de Illinois? Navegue por este proceso con confianza con este seminario web donde nos concentramos en el aspecto académico de la transición. Obtenga información sobre cómo definir planes de transición integrales, desentrañar los componentes involucrados y comprender la importancia de los servicios de transición. Profundice en consejos prácticos diseñados para padres,