Registration Is Open for the Family to Family Health Information Center Symposium!

Parent smiling at child in a wheelchair



Registration Is Open for the Family to Family Health Information Center Symposium!

September 17, 2024 | 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

Virtual Conference Full Brochure  

Attendees will learn:

  • How to get help for people with disabilities through the Family-to-Family program and other The Arc of Illinois programs
  • What The Autism Program of Illinois is and how to get diagnostic and therapeutic help for people with autism
  • What Medicaid waivers are available for children and youth in Illinois, and how parents may be able to be paid for providing care in these programs
  • How children and young adults can have their healthcare needs met in schools through effective IEP and 504 plans
  • How everyone can take part in disability advocacy by turning small ideas into major advocacy efforts
  • How to support family caregivers through the continuum of caregiving, from diagnosis onward