Features of Technology Tools to Support Reading – Part 2: Everything But Text-to-Speech (TTS) (The Basics of AT Decision Making to Support Reading Part 4 of 6)



Features of Technology Tools to Support Reading – Part 2: Everything But Text-to-Speech (TTS) (The Basics of AT Decision Making to Support Reading Part 4 of 6)

Registration Link: https://reg.learningstream.com/reg/event_page.aspx?ek=0054-0021-b5df3fe3c06e4ee8800679bb981c57b0

This 6-part series is designed for professionals that want to further their knowledge of assistive technology basics and take on active roles to participate during the assistive technology decision making process. The series will specifically highlight assistive technology tools and strategies that can support students related to reading tasks.
Most practitioners are familiar with TTS but there are many features beyond TTS that can increase a student’s access to content from text. We will take a look at some of those other features and how they can support students with the task demands of reading. Tools having those features will be demonstrated.
Learner Outcomes:
Participants will name three task demands related to reading comprehension.
Participants will name three tools and their features that can support students with reading comprehension.